Look through the eyes the Soul

In the third step of the So Lets Key, we need to listen to pur inner dialogue.Soul. This involves understaning our thinking process. Are the based in fear or love responses, and access the inner resources of strength, resilience, and compassion. Are we reacting to past wounds that still control us?

Throughout life, we are influenced by external voices that tell us what to do, think, and be. While some can be helpful, many are limiting, fear-based, or misleading. By listening to and taking control of our inner dialogueand finding the gap between our thoughts, we can tap into a deeper source of wisdom that resides within us and choose to be proactive rather than reactive a vital step in self mastery.

When listen to and ultimately take control of our inner dialoge we make better decisions, follow our heart’s desires, and align with our life purpose. We can trust ourselves, knowing we have the wisdom and resources to overcome any challenge. However, cultivating our inner voice requires us to quiet our minds, tune into our bodies, and create space for reflection, meditation, or contemplation.

When we take control of our inner dialogue, we may encounter resistance or doubt. However, we must remember that our intuition is connected to a higher power that guides us towards our highest good. By aligning with this power, we can tap into a limitless source of love, abundance, and joy.

Therefore, let us embrace the third step of the So Lets Key andlisten to our inner dialogue. Let us trust ourselves, honour our intuition, and cultivate a deeper connection with the divine. Doing so allows us to live our lives with purpose, passion, and authenticity, guided by our wisdom. Let us always remember that the voice that speaks to us from within is the voice of our true self, our divine self, our highest self.


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